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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 4:23:07 GMT
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a jet of flames released from the main stage over the general populace's heads would bring everyone's attention to kyle. if the display of power did not get their attention, the immense heat from his turtonator's flames did.

the attention wasn't necessarily liked, but kyle had no choice but to commit to the role he was given. draped in a long, dark cape over a neatly prepared outfit befitting the dragon tamer stereotype [x], he stood out among the dull-colored costumes and pretty princess outfits everyone was wearing even had he not chosen to get his turtonator to attack the air.

"dragon lord lopez," he announced, almost gagging at the line, "is here to overthrow fortree in chaos."

the words were said in such a monotonous and unexcited manner that he doubted anyone would have been interested had it not been for the mic attached to his collar amplifying the volume of his voice. everyone on the fair would know his presence had they not seen him already on the main stage.

"if you wish to be spared from my wrath, give me money or something."

this was the part where the exhibition match with the hero commences.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 5:20:04 GMT
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a sword prop was pointed directly at the unenthusiastic demon lord. mateo, standing tall, and all in,would exclaim, "with the power bestowed unto me by the king of dragons, i've gained the power to become a dragon slayer!" a ball in hand, he'd toss it into the air! releasing the caged creature from his sealed cage, he'd call upon gible.

gible, heroically standing, felt proud. he, just like his trainer, was all in. "don't you think you'll get away with this, dragon lord!" gible, without warning, would suddenly charge a ball of sphere. "and--eh?!" he'd release a DRAGON RAGE toward kyle.

that was unintentional

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 6:02:51 GMT
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"oya oya?"

he was so into the role that it brought the slightest smile on his face from sheer amusement from mateo's unnecessary enthusiasm.

"watch me."

his hand would swipe through the air dramatically, matching mateo's energy. the confidence would quickly crumble as the gible fires off an attack way too early. "oi!" kyle steps back and pats his turtonator at the back, nudging him forward.


the turtonator misreads the command and overdoes it with his dragon pulse. a torrent of b.d.e. (big dragon energy) would go clash with the gible's attack, full power, and go all the way towards the gible.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 6:22:37 GMT
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catching his ally within the palm of his hand. gible, dizzy from the assault, would groan. "gible!" looking toward kyle and turtornator. mateo glared, "it's on!" shaking gible out of his confuson. he'd toss the dragon back onto the field. "wake up, get out, we've got some evil to beat!" he ordered.

gible was ready. "you're strong..." a jittering grin, kyle would be able to tell he'd gotten under the dragon tamer's skin. " wouldn't be the...demon...lord...if you...weren't..." it was hard for him to say his lines. he was just about ready to go off book. "sandstorm!" a sand began to stir. the crowd was shocked by the raging sandstorm.

gible's ability, SAND VEIL, allowed him to become camouflaged within the raging sands. "dragon claw!" hidden, gible rushed to catch turtonator from the side. "we will prevail!" mateo shouted.

notes: he's borrowing a gible. :monkaS:

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 7:10:58 GMT
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"you're already dead."

the response was impromptu, going along with the mood of the exhibition match. he quickly goes to whisper on a speaker attached to his collar, giving mateo a reminder that he needs to know. "oi, idjit, your sandstorm's blocks the everyone's view of the show." he's probably too into the battle to realize anyways.

the goal was to make the event interesting with a battle. being flashy and all that meant more than winning the fight. he wonders if sandstorm meets that criteria.

"shell trap!"

there was no need to aim when the enemy comes for you instead. the turtonator readies his shell, glowing in bright red as the gible approaches and then exploding once the dragon claw hits him.

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dragon king
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 8:01:06 GMT
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it was too hard to see, but he knew there was an explosion. gible would come to land in his arm yet again. "gible!" this time knocked out. "you'll be avenged." screw this, it was time to fight. "dragonite, i summon you!" a whistle, dragonite debuted!

the crowd couldn't see? that's fine. because dragonite was going to clean this up with, "hurricane!" a hurricane was formed as dragonite circulated the sky with mach speed. it was so large that it subsided the sandstorm. the hurricane encased the crowd, kyle, mateo, and the stage altogether. the wind was blowing fiercely.

dragonite landed. dragonite saw mateo holding gible as he fell to his knees. tears were shed as mateo hugged the poor gible. "your sacrifice won't be in vain." though it was wild, the crowd continued to watch. wondering what was to come next, "make him pay, dragonite: dragon rage!" without hesitation, dragonite manifested a sphere of dragon energy from within. launching it at the turtonator.

notes: i don't know what's going on anymore. mateo is too into this. he's making a mess. let's just have fun.

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 16:41:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
hurricane? really?

the move wasn't directly hurting anyone at the moment, but it certainly wasn't safe either. grumbling, he had wanted to lecture mateo about public safety and how it correlates with the festival getting discontinued if hazards were discovered by the governing bodies but he had to bite his tongue for this one.

using the time that the dragonite made a scene and attracted the crowd's attention, kyle would instruct his turtonator on how the next string of events were going to end. "you're gonna use shell trap once more, and then try to get the hurricane to stop, m'kay?" as he finished whispering, the dragon rage came to their way.

the clash of the dragon flame with his turtonator's shell trap caused a large explosion, pushing almost everyone from the blast radius away, along with generating a smokescreen of sorts. kyle shoos his pokemon away before the smoke is blown away by strong winds.

as soon as the explosion quiets down, all the people could see on the stage was kyle.

"you've defeated my minion, i see." he drops two pokeballs on the ground afterwards, revealing both his flygon and his kommo-o. "how would you deal with two of them though?"

while the show goes, the turtonator lumbers to the edge of the raging hurricane, using protect on the walls of wind to block its flow, weakening it until it stops completely.

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 1:05:41 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
the hurricane died down. gible, unconscious, would be placed down. standing, he'd call out his final ally, "you think we'd come unprepared, demon lord!" a second whistle. he'd await for charizard to arrive. there was a small pause only for charizard to be a no show. where was he? sleeping behind stage.

mateo, with a light twitch at the brow, wondered where his charizard was. "t-that bastard..." he whispered. he'd have to improvise. raising his broad sword, he'd speak, "with the power of those who believe in us--the people. the king of dragons told us just what we needed to defeat you, we just needed you to be distracted!" a confidant grin was worn.

dragonite wasn't exactly sure what he was to do next until the next command was given. "dragon dance!" dragonite began to perform a sacred dance. "i hope you've said your demonic prayers, dragon lord loser!" and there came the childish insults. "dragonite, charge it up!" dragonite flew into the sky. preparing to gather an abundance of energy.

notes: i don't know what's going on anymore. mateo is too into this. he's making a mess. let's just have fun.

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 17:10:22 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

i swear to god, mateo. if you fuck this up and destroy private property, i won't bail you out.

a gut feeling told him that mateo would be putting everything for a simple show. it was supposed to be flashy and entertaining to be fair, but there has to be limit to things. he wasn't sure if he was to tone down his pokemon's performance as to not affect the surroundings or match mateo's enthusiasm to counteract the eminent destruction.

he opted for the latter.

"show me what you got, dragon slayer! we'll give it our all too."

a snap of his fingers and his dragons know what to do. both the kommo-o and the flygon began to match the dragonite's dragon dance with their own. their power levels are steadily increasing to match mateo's dragon's power.

"this is the final showdown. you better be ready." he gave the air an uppercut as he ordered the final command. "destroy him."

a combination of bug buzz and clanging scales were blasted towards mateo. his pokemon should be there to block the attack and make it for the final clash of moves. hopefully.

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 22:03:29 GMT
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was he insane?! that was going to hit him! "wah-?!" a loud noise was heard. it was then he realized that a PROTECTive field was form. he'd wonder where this barrier had derived from. looking down, he'd see the barely conscious gible at his feet--weakly--raising his head to give a taunting grin.

he protected mateo in his last breath. "gible..." a sharp gaze was thrown toward the direction of the demon lord as a dust cloud swarmed between the duo. making it hard for mateo to see kyle and kyle mateo. but this was his final act--his raison d'etre! he was going in for the kill. the minute the barrier deconstructed, mateo rushed forward. emerging from the cloud of smoke, sword in hand, and running past the dual dragon. he'd pierce kyle in the gut with his plastic sword!

"gotcha!" but dragonite, also, got them! mateo had forgotten about the hyper beam that was forming up above. "w-wait, dragonite!" it was too late. the beam was fired off. "dragonite, you idjiiiiiiit!" in a bright flash of light. the play, though ending in quite a literal dsaster, was good nonetheless. the kids found it entertaining, but the parents never wanted the actors to ever partake in this part of the fair again.

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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2019 7:46:18 GMT
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"] you two receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy, one free move of choice for one pokemon (redeem in site shop)!

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